Halloween Pickleball Tournament
We are back for year three of our Annual Halloween Pickleball Tournament! Teams are guaranteed three games and winners receive a prize. Multiple prizes are given out, including: Best
Costume Duo, Most Creative Costume and a raffle! Come ready for more this year! Registration deadline is October 17.
Ages: 18+
Date: Thu, Oct 24
Times: 6:00-9:00pm
Code: 44032P
Fee: $25/Team
Location: Recreation Complex, 111 E. Foster Ave
NEW! Adult dodgeball tournament
Remember Dodgeball Day in gym class? Sign up for our NEW Adult Dodgeball Tournament and feel like a kid in gym class again! Sign up with your team (6 players per team) and come ready to play and WIN some prizes! Registration deadline is November 7.
Ages: 18+
Date: Wed, Nov 20
Times: 6:00-9:00pm
Code: 44033D
Fee: $60/team
Location: Recreation Complex, 111 E. Foster Ave